My Current Reading List

I feel like I’ve been processing a lot – or as my friend Megan noted, “your mind is very busy this week, dear” – so I’m pulling back a little today and reflecting on what is making me think so much. A lot of this thinking is coming from my reading, most of which is spurred by this book I’m beginning to write.

So here’s what I’m in the middle of:
Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
Bringing It to the Table by Wendell Berry
The Writing Life by Annie Dillard
Small Wonder by Barbara Kingsolver
and I just finished Eating Animals by Jonathan Saffren Foer.

It’s all really good stuff, but it’s not easy stuff. And somehow this combination of writers and topics is really weaving together into this interesting connection of art and life and responsibility. I love when that happens.

So what are you reading? Anything I should pick up (as if I needed more to read)? Post your recommendations, and I”ll give a BookMooch point to the first twenty people who make a suggestion.

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