Finding Satisfaction

I wonder how many people have that Rolling Stones’ song as their theme. Sometimes I feel like it’s mine. I don’t often feel satisfied, especially with myself. There’s always a way I could improve or something I could do. There’s always one more way I could become more of who God made me to be. And yet, I don’t always know the right way. Sometimes I have to be content until I find a way to move forward in my dissatisfaction.

Yesterday, I wrote about how I needed to find contentment, and Brett posted a comment about how his men’s group was discussing the difference between contentment and satisfaction. His comment got me thinking because I do not think that seeking contentment means stagnating or being happy with less than the best God has for us.

Somehow there is a balance between being content with where we are and striving forward toward the goal for which we were called. Finding this balance, well, I think that’s the hard part.

I am not at all satisfied with my life right now. I am not feeling fulfilled by my work. I don’t feel like I’m using the talents that have been given to me. In fact, life seems – at least professionally – pretty boring these days. And yet, I must find contentment here while I strive to satisfy these desires. God has not given me my next steps yet, so to strive would be, on some level, disobedient. So for now, contentment is what I must seek.

But that doesn’t mean I’m happy to stay in this less than satisfying place. I still seek God’s plan. I still look for opportunities that cross my path. I still hope for the day when I wander out of the wilderness and enter into the glorious forest of plenty that God has for me. I will, one day, be satisfied.

So thanks, Brett, for reminding me that I am called to run a race and that I am also called to be content when the race takes me through the boredom of the wilderness, to be content even in my dissatisfaction. The road ahead will, eventually, be beautiful. This is God’s promise.

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