I know I am going to make all the realists, all the economists, and all those who work in “management” cringe a little by saying this, but I wish societies could return to the barter system. Instead of using the intermediary of money, we would just trade items and services for those items and services we need. I would revise your resume and help you draft a cover letter; you would clean out my gutters. Sounds good, right?
I long for that simplicity of direct trade. I long for days when my work earns me what I need, not cash with which I can then go buy what I need. I would love to just write and read all day, maybe work in my garden a bit, help someone out in rearranging their furniture, and then at the end, have collected food and clothing enough to survive. That would be nice.
Maybe this is why I participate in services like Bookmooch, where I can trade books with other book lovers and why I enjoy Etsy. At least here, the exchange seems to be more based on the work of one’s labor rather than the price that a culture has assigned to something (and yes, I know that’s a simplistic way of looking at things.)
So here’s my offer – if you need help with some writing, I’ll work a trade with you. Maybe you have some books, a great sweater you knitted yourself, amazing tips on how to integrate the lives of six cats (this is an ongoing process in my house). Let’s barter find ourselves better for it.
My guest post on the importance of personal libraries is up at Chloe Yelena Miller’s blog. Do stop by and take a read, and while you’re there, peruse her blog. She’s got some great stuff there. Thanks.