Thanks for Loss
Mom passed away at 4:30 this morning. Dad woke me, and I rushed to her. I laid one hand on her chest and one on her face. She was not there.
In the way of life’s pain, I lost another of the most important relationships in my life. Now, he is not here either.
I have lost two of the most important people in my life, and I am breathing. That is something.
Yet, on this day of Thanksgiving, I am grateful for the healing that will, inevitably, come. I am grateful for the complete healing and perfection that Mom now lives in. I am grateful for the hope that comes with the prospect of healing for my other dear one. I am grateful in this massive grief that there is something – something amazing – beyond it.
Now, to walk through the shards of pain that pierce my heart, to absorb them into myself, to build scar tissue that will heal and strengthen my flesh.