Like Hannibal, I really relish those moments when things fall into place. Although at this point in my life, I’m definitely not the one with the plan. In fact, I’ve pretty much abandoned planning altogether. It rocks.

Today, my high school choir teacher’s daughter and I got together. She’s one of those people with whom I felt instant rapport. We talked for two hours, and I honestly could have stayed and chatted with her for a lot longer (but a snow storm drove me north to help out another friend). We talked about her studies and her interest in diasporas – I love that she’s interested in that topic; we talked about my writing and about how her interests and history would be an awesome asset to me. She gave me names of people to contact for research assistance; I recommended an internship. Something about chatting with her (at her suggestion, I might add) just seemed perfect, like it was exactly what needed to happen in that moment.

Sometimes I make myself so busy that I can’t even take time for two hours of great conversation. I feel too obligated or too tired to just do what comes that day. Instead, I’m thinking too far into the future to actually experience where I am in the present. Charlie Peacock wrote in his book New Way to be Human about advice his wife gave him when he was so busy; she reminded him that he was so swamped with activity that he wouldn’t be able to handle a crisis if it came up, and he also wouldn’t be able to take advantage of a great opportunity if it arose. Finally, finally, I am taking this advice to heart, and boy, does it feel good to live each day instead of planning into the next month.

In my “retirement,” as my dad joshingly calls this time of my life, I love that I’m learning to take the glories of life as they come, and I’m watching “the plan” come together. It’s a really lovely sight.

Hannibal of the A-Team