Like the greats Shawn Smucker and photo © 2011 Brandi Jordan | more info (via: Wylio)
Bryan Allain before me, I am here once again soliciting your most popular blog posts for the month of June.
In the comments, share the post that got the most readers or share the blog post you loved the most. Give us the name of the post, the name of the blog, and a link to the post if you would.
I’ll visit each and every page, so give me some work to do folks. On Friday, July 8, I’ll randomly choose a commenter, who will receive 100 Bookmooch points to use or donate to Books for Keeps, a nonprofit organization that gives books to underprivileged children in Athens, GA.
So share your favorites and spread the word to the bloggers and blog readers you know. Also, be sure to check out other comments to find new blogs you might love. Thanks.