I can feel it again. That craving. That urge. That need.

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I have taken two weeks off from writing, two much-needed weeks to rest, think, play, sleep, and just let my mind work on the book without me fretting over it. I really needed this time.

Now, I am eager. That old absence makes the heart cliche does apply here. I want to get back to the page.

I want to lay my ear against its smoothness and listen for the stories that are there in the fibers even now. I want to feel the spindles of my desk chair push against my shoulder blades when I lean back and stretch after a good run of words. I want to wake from my writing time and feel groggy, like I’m returning from another place, a fuller place that I can’t see.

So today is my last day off for the year. I’m going to go play hard and hopefully laugh until I cry. I’m going to drink too much coffee and eat rich food. I’m going to explore.

Then tomorrow, I am going to plant my feet on the floor and write. Every day. For the rest of the year.

Man, I’m so excited!

What are you excited about this new year? What gets you a little light-headed with anticipation? What do you want to do all year long?

    I write one blog post a week and one-two newsletters a month about all things writing. Craft tips, marketing advice, laments about how much more fun it is to nap.
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