The smallest things can bring me joy – the laughter of an infant, a two-walk block with a good friend, the laughter of a couple I’ve known for more than a decade, a toddler saying (kind of) my name.

There are certain things that give us joy in writing – a phrase well-stated, the vulnerable honesty of a writer, a help assure, a promise kept. . . we are all built to love these things. We are all built for joy . . . and I’m so grateful to find it in the smallest of moments and the biggest of ideas.

As I sit here – at almost midnight in Lancaster, PA – a sofa pulled out at my friends’ new house, I am blown away by the simplicity of joy. And this video, with the master musician Bobby McFerrin, gives me joy . . . joy in what we all share – music, a sense of tone, and the joy in singing together. Enjoy.

What gives you joy?