The Dream of God’s Whisper
My vision for this place is that it will become a retreat for people who need respite. While my dream is specifically to provide a work, rest, and performance space for writers and musicians, I also want to give a space to anyone who just needs a little place to step back fr
The little farmhouse I live in right now will, in time, become a guest house, and I”ll have a timberframe up the mountain a bit with guest rooms, too. Plus, I want to put a yurt and a rustic cabin on the property, too. Just some spaces where people can come and get away.
Right now, we’re in the process of building a barn that will serve both as a place for the animals (goats, alpacas, maybe a miniature donkey) to find shelter and also a performance space with a small stage and seating for 50.
We’ll have a big garden here, and the animals will – as best I can help it – be very people friendly. Walking trails will climb the mountain, and we’ll have benches by the spring house and in the flower garden where you can enjoy the view and take a deep breath.
To make this dream, I have a lot of work ahead – fences to put up and barns to build, a garden to lay in, and trails to clear. And that work takes money, so we’re working out some ways to bring more income to the farm, starting with workshops on gardening, fence building, and maybe even one on how to use a chainsaw safely. If you subscribe to this blog, you’ll get updates on all of those events, and I sincerely hope you’ll come.
But even if you don’t come for a workshop, I hope you’ll come visit. The place is always open to you – come sleep on the farmhouse couch or floor, pitch a tent in the yard, or throw a hammock over a tree branch. Just come, anytime. I’d love to see you.
The God’s Whisper Manifesto is just a little e-book that describes the 10 principles I’d like to have in place here on the farm. Things like “Love People First and Hard” and “As Green as Possible Without Being Stupid.”
You can get a copy through Amazon or Barnes and Noble, and all proceeds help make this dream come alive.
Thank you so much for reading.