Last week when I was at the Associated Writers and Writing Progra2013-03-13 16.26.39ms conference in Boston, I met up with my friend Peggy for breakfast . . . okay, we almost met up for breakfast, but there are so many Au Bon Pain’s in that mall that we almost didn’t find one another.

We chatted writing for a while, and then she said, “Well, I better get to what my friend wanted me to ask you or she’ll be really disappointed.”

I looked at her a little more intently.

“She runs a small farm with sheep, and she’s wondering if we can come visit yours.  I told her about it, and she’s really excited.”

I nearly leaned right into Peggy with my “yes.”

This is what I want – people hearing about this place and asking to come.  For whatever reason – to see the goats, to get away, to spend time in the garden, to see one of P’s and Dad’s massive bonfires.  Whatever.

It’s happening, folks, it’s really happening.  People are hearing the God’s Whisper message and joining in.

In fact, next week, the gorgeous Mindy Koenig is organizing a book launch for me for God’s Whisper Manifesto. People around the web will be blogging and tweeting about the book, and next Thursday – the first day of spring – I’ll be hosting a link-up about the book on my other blog, Andilit.  If you’d like to get in on the launch – by promoting on FB, tweeting, or writing up a blog post, please let me know in the comments here.  We’ll get you looped in, and if you join us officially, you get a free copy of the book.

So excited to see what’s coming, a vision, a dream starting to breath.  Thanks for being part of that.