My First Go at Kale Chips

I have to admit it – I’ve never been a big fan of cooked leafy greens.  Give me a salad or a handful of raw spinach, and I”ll cram it in with delight.  But apply heat and well, then, I’m disinclined. Thanks.

2013-06-13 19.25.47

The kale is the bunchy stuff at the end on the left.

So you can imagine my quandary when I planted and then watched emerge what would technically be called “a mess” of kale.  I ate it in eggs. I picked pieces when I walked by. I gave bags to P’s parents and my dad.  And still, it comes.

Thus, my need to cook said greens in order to use them up and not waste them – wastefulness is something we try to avoid here at God’s Whisper.

So, here’s the process with photos.  (I’m not Julie or Julia yet, but I’m trying.)

1. Take a sharp knife and cut off the kale.

2. Then wash it to remove all the grass you refuse to spray or meticulously pick out while it’s in the garden.

3. Cut off stems.

4. Lay out on a cookie sheet and then drizzle with olive oil.

5. Sprinkle your choice of spices – I used garlic, salt, and pepper – simplicity is something we also like here.

6. Bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes, until the edges begin to brown.




7. Taste test.  (Meander was only slightly swayed to the kale chip side.)

What other kale recipes do you have? Any other suggestions for seasoning kale chips? Want to stop by and get a bag of organic kale?

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