Four Day Weekend!
P has today and tomorrow off, and I’m, well, I’m going to squeeze my work around the day so that we can power through some stuff here on the farm.
First up, mowing the field that is typically our yard. This rain is a gift, but it does make the grass grow.
Then, P has bought lumber to build a small bridge over the stream up the mountain. The process involves arced boards and lots of saw work. And it’s going to be amazing, I’m sure.
Dad and P will finish up the chicken coop tomorrow, we think, and then – holy cow! or, sorry, holy chicken! – we’ll be getting silkies and Polish chickens within the month. (Note, at the wedding, the rooster will, of course, crow not at all on cue.)
We’re going to start our fire pit, and I have flowers to get in the ground asap. Plus, wedding invitations are going out early, and I have hedgehogs and bears to crochet for customers.
Maybe, too, some zucchini bread is in the works.
Big, busy, beautiful weekend. I LOVE it.
What are your weekend plans?
By the way, we have a Pinterest board specifically for the farm. So if you’d like to see more images of what’s happening here and of what we’d like to make happen, check it out.