Reveling in the Now
It’s 64 degrees outside, and my hands smell like basil and thyme. Honey wheat bread is in the bread machine and tomato sauce (again) on the stove.
Days like this I can taste fall on the back of my tongue . . . and my spirit dances.
I’m beginning to plan the garden for next year – more green beans initially and more yellow squash. Less kale. Less lettuce. (But fall plantings of those this year with radishes, too.) And herbs in pots, maybe.
I want to add garlic and start an asparagus hill. Plant black eyed peas and limas.
Tomatoes – I think I’ll do the same number. We’re into the last of the romas, but the big folks are just arriving in time for sandwiches and salsa for the wedding.
And next summer, I want the edges of the garden to dance with flowers.
Today though, on a perfect day, I’m savoring now. Reveling in a mouth full of scent and the breeze in the redbud.
May you revel in today, too. Every day.
P.S. We had a skunk visitor, and he may be a more permanent resident that we realize . . . under the house. If you have skunk transplantation suggestions, do share.