Absence and the Heart

I miss the farm.

It’s been almost a week since we’ve been there because of visits with family for the holidays and then a scary few days with Philip’s dad when he had chest pain.  (He’s visiting his family doctor tomorrow, and we hope to have more answers then.  The hospital did find that it probably wasn’t his heart.) 

It’s been wonderful to be with the people we love, but I’m ready to be home again . . . to look out the windows and see the mountains girding us up.

Today, we are heading back to the blue farmhouse on the mountainside. To the chicken coop that will soon hold our silkies.  To the plans for our goat fence and the next steps for the barn.

I can almost feel my breath slowing at the end.

Maybe sometime you’ll come and visit this space and catch your breath, too.  We’d love to have you.

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