A Little Bit at a Time

As the sun settled over the mountain tonight, Philip and I took all our paper up the hill to our latest burn pile and lit the sky with all that we save from the dump.  We tossed in a few limbs and picked up a little further up and out on the trail.  IMG_0914

Each stick is one step closer.

Today, Philip’s dad Galen came down, and he and Philip hung an antique door on the chicken run. . . soon, they’ll hang the second one to connect the garden and the run.  Then, we can let our guineas run and eat insects in the garden while keeping the silkies from digging up everything we planted.

Each screw is one step closer.

This week, we had a conversation with a banker about financing.  We will be seeking a loan in the weeks to come, and in February, we will be running our Indiegogo campaign for the barn.

Each email, each conversation is one step closer.

Some days it seems like we’re moving at the speed of molasses . . . but we are moving, and molasses is delicious. (Try it with a little peanut butter on some toast.)

Thank you for joining us on this journey.  We are so grateful to have you with us, Our Whisperers.

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