The Hues of Spring

From where I sit, I can see three umber-breasted robins helping to aerate our soil and eat the insects.  (Here’s to hoping they love stink bugs.)


Our friend Kristin with a cashmere kid from Spring Gate Farm

Yesterday, the daffodil above peeked out her head by the giant maple in front of the farmhouse. . . . and as if he needed the sunshiny signal from his feet, the maple purpled up his buds, too.

Spring is coming to God’s Whisper, and we couldn’t be more ready.

This year Spring means chicks and kids and our garden.  It means longer days and the chance to crank up Vulcan the mower.

It means open windows and breezes that remind me that the earth caresses our necks if we let it.

I love the change of seasons, any of the changes, but this year, Spring comes with so much promise and new life I can feel my pace quicken with joy.


Several folks have asked where we are getting our chickens and goats, so without further ado:


We have lots of exciting things planned for this spring, including garden workshops and an Easter weekend open house so everyone can visit the chicks, hunt for eggs, and enjoy Spring on this gift of a farm we’ve been given.

So stay tuned – Spring is bringing big joy here, and we hope you’ll be a part of it.

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