30 Animals, 3 Outbuildings, 1 House, and 2 Humans in 1 Week
Yesterday, we accepted an above-asking price offer on our current farm. To say I’m thrilled would be an understatement.
And so would saying I’m a little stressed.
We have to move all our belongings – which includes quite a bit of farm equipment – and 30 animals to our new farm in the course of a week. Whew. My chest hurts at the thought.
Plus, did I mention I’m gone for a week on book tour next week? 🙂
Yet, I know this – things only come together this perfectly for a reason. We will not have to care for two high-maintenance properties at once – which saves us hauling our mower up and down the state of Virginia. Plus, the sale means we can pay back what we borrowed for our downpayment as well as pay off some other bills. That’s all excellent news.
So today, we will set out a schedule for that week – what we will move when. We will figure out what supplies we need to fix up the temporary goat paddock and chicken coop. We will pack more boxes, and we will take lots of deep breathes. In through the nose, out through the mouth.
Plus, the image of me in a Subaru hatchback with a red dog and two big fluffy white dogs while Philip has six goats in dog crates covered in blankets on the back of the struck and Philip’s dad with 5 cats in his car. . . . well, that alone is enough to crack me up. Plus, we’re going to kidnap the chickens once they roost for the night so they’ll be calmer, and I’m enjoying the mental picture I have Philip snagging each of them to put in the aforementioned dog crates for the trip up the road.
If nothing else, this time will give us lots of laughs. 😉
If you feel like being a part of the mayhem, we’re moving between October 9 and 15th, and we could use help. We can’t pay in cash, but we have food and lots of animal loving to go around. Plus, we give pretty good hugs. So join us if you will. Goodness knows, we could use you.