In just a few hours, I will be back on the road and over the Appalachians to my home. I ache to be there. And that’s new for me.

© 2012 Vinoth Chandar, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio
For many parts of my life, my times away were my favorites – they were the times when I felt most alive, most rested, most me. Part of that feeling came because I was younger and had more energy as well as a stronger drive to be “on the move.” And some of my desire to be “away” came from some quiet but deep unhappiness about something in my life – where I lived, who I loved, etc.
But now, now, I take great joy in going home – and being home. I have a man in my life who loves and supports me in just the right way and who I take joy in loving. I have animals I adore, who show joy at my very breath. I have a lifestyle that allows me to spend almost every hour of every day doing something I love. My father is near, and dear friends are close – by car or by phone. It’s a good life.
And it’s one I’ve fought to have for a long time. So today, as I pack my bags and hope I can finish Outlander on the ride home, I offer you this encouragement:
Fight for the life you want. Every day. In every way. Fight to do the work you love. Fight to be with the people who love you unconditionally and who you love in the same way. Fight to live in a space that lets your lungs open up like wings. Fight until you wake up every day ready to face whatever comes because you know you have chosen it. Fight, dear ones. Fight.
What life are you fighting for? I’d love to hear about it.
Many thanks to all the incredible people who hosted my time here in Ohio. I have had a wonderful, rewarding trip . . . . and I’m glad to have met all of you.