Holding My Inner Tasmanian Devil At Bay
17 days. Whew!! Now that came up quick. 17 days until we close on our new house. Holy Moly!
We’re still trying to figure out how to house the chickens at the new place – makeshift one of the standing outbuildings or build a mobile coop before we go. Plus, we need to finish up packing and planning for the temporary goat paddock beside the house. (We’re quietly optimistic that the present owners will leave the children’s swing set so that we can see Olive and Acorn go down the slide.)
Plus, then, there’s the turning off of things like electricity and the turning on of things there. And then packing, have I mentioned packing?
It’s kind of easy for me to get spiraled up into a whirlwind of stress and anxiety. (Picture the tasmanian devil with a book in one hand and a pen in the other.) Right now, we’re both running at the tipping point between sane planning and nutty packing, and if we have one wrench come in – a problem with a well at either house, an unexpected animal emergency – you may just witness some sheer panic on my part.
Tomorrow, we take the puppies for their “fixing” time, hoping to get them ready for the trip and also not add to the stress of a new place. The kittens will follow on Thursday. We have a well inspection at the new place tomorrow, and I’m setting up the closing proceedings with the lawyer for this farm tomorrow afternoon. Oh, and Philip and I still have our full-time jobs to do, too.
If you have good energy or prayers or just really encouraging words to throw up for us, please do. We could use them. . .
I’m trying to take a couple of notes from Meander’s book and let what needs to be done come as it will AND when the time for crazy running comes, give yourself over to it and drop your tail for less wind resistance if necessary.
We’ll keep you posted.
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