So we loaded ALL my books into the new house yesterday, and right now, they are in boxes in our Reading Room with my grandfather’s red velvet chair and my mom’s rocker.
I have – before me – a unique opportunity: I get to organize my books EXACTLY as I want them. So I need help in decided what strategy to use.
Typically, I organize by category – fiction, religion, farm, etc – and then alphabetically within categories, but I”m willing to try something else if you guys have ideas.
Here’s what I’ve got in terms of subjects:
- a collection of fiction
- a collection of religious books – memoirs, meditations, Bibles, etc.
- a collection of creative nonfiction – essays, memoirs, journalism, etc.
- a collection of books on writing
- a collection of books on farming – how-tos and memoirs
- a small collection of poetry
- a large collection of my childhood books – Nancy Drew, two sets of classic stories
- a large collection of antique books
- and a BIG grouping of TBR books.
I have various kinds of bookshelves – oak floor to ceiling ones my dad built and a beautiful glass-front barrister case. Plus, an antique case with a glass door.
If you had free rein, how would you organize those books?
I can’t wait to hear your ideas.