Book Organization – What’s Your Strategy?

So we loaded ALL my books into the new house yesterday, and right now, they are in boxes in our Reading Room with my grandfather’s red velvet chair and my mom’s rocker.

Our Bookshelf from Flickr via Wylio

© 2010 Nomad Tales, Flickr | CC-BY-SA | via Wylio

I have – before me – a unique opportunity:  I get to organize my books EXACTLY as I want them.  So I need help in decided what strategy to use.

Typically, I organize by category – fiction, religion, farm, etc – and then alphabetically within categories, but I”m willing to try something else if you guys have ideas.

Here’s what I’ve got in terms of subjects:

I have various kinds of bookshelves – oak floor to ceiling ones my dad built and a beautiful glass-front barrister case. Plus, an antique case with a glass door.

If you had free rein, how would you organize those books?

I can’t wait to hear your ideas.

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