When It Feels Like You Don’t Have Enough Time

I slept in this morning.  5:30am.  It was glorious. The sky was light, so chores were easier. The air was still cool-ish (with about 80% humidity.) And I was a bit more rested.

When You Feel There's Not Enough Time

© 2009 Alice Popkorn, Flickr | CC-BY-ND | via Wylio

Still, on the farm, as the morning person, the chores fall to me. So I fed both sets of chickens, fed the goats and Great Pyrs, gave Mosey and Meander their food (FYI, Mosey ALWAYS eats like he’s never been fed, just in case you think we’re starving him), and harvested about 20 cucumbers, 10 yellow squash, and 3 zucchini.  Then, I washed the veggies, started the coffee, packed Philip’s lunch, and picked up the house.  All before 6am.

I say this not to brag or to complain. This simply is the reality for our home.  Your mornings may look much the same with children swapped for chickens and piles of laundry for the goats.  We are ALL busy.

Now, it’s just after 8am, and I’ve opened the farm stand and am tucking in for 8 hours of writing and editing work, and at the end of that time, we’ll feed everyone again before I make dinner and we work some on the barn interior.  About 8pm tonight, I’ll drop onto the couch, pick up some cross-stitch and hit bed at 10.  That’s my day.

You probably have to swap up 8 hours of writing and editing for another form of work.  Plus, you may have homework to supervise or an event or ball game to attend.

I’ll say it again, we are ALL busy.

It’s a struggle to make time to do the things that feed our souls when it seems like every minute is spent just keeping up and feeding our bodies.


Here’s what I’ve learned over the past 5 years of making my living as a writer: There is never enough time to do what we love unless we make the time.  Even though I spend many of my hours every day working with words, unless I choose to make time for my own work, I don’t write anything for myself.  (Lest you still harbor the beautiful delusion that writing books pays the bills, let me assure you that the $6.56 I made from The Slave Have Names this much is not getting us much but a trip to the Tastee Freeze.)

Here are a few things I do to make time for my own writing. (If you’re not a writer, substitute in reading or sewing or woodworking or hiking or whatever thing you do that you love with the most of who you are.)





People write books even while they raise young children. People sculpt masterpieces even while they work full-time in a cubicle. People have amazing gardens even while they wait tables 40 hours a week.  People do beautiful, wonderful, incredible things even when they’re busy.

The secret to their accomplishments? They make the time to do them.

Here’s to hoping you make the time to do what you love for a few minutes every day.  Even when you’re busy.  You might just find that you feel the weight of ALL YOU HAVE TO DO lift a little when you’re taking joy each day. 


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