Letting the Heart Answer Your Writing Question

A few weeks ago, a dear friend asked me this question:

Money is no issue…what are you writing? How much time do you spend writing it?

© 2011 Simon Cocks, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio

The question – asked by a writer I trust and a friend of years – took my breath right from my throat.  It doesn’t sound that profound, maybe, but to have someone ask – right into my heart – what I most had to say . . . that’s the gift of wisdom right there.

I carried his question around for a while, a golden nugget glowing somewhere behind and above my jaw.  I pulled it to the front of my mind from time to time and studied it, but mostly, I just let it sit there.  Germinating.

Then, one day, I made some time, and I sat down and did what I do when understanding is hard-won – I wrote. I wrote a page, two, pen slipping into language on the pages of my journal. I wrote through all the stuff that was whizzing by my teeth, all the weight sitting in my hips, and then I stopped.  I sat back. I lifted my chin and stretched out my legs.

And I listened.


For most writers, I think there’s a place that we sink into when we are writing from our trueness.  That place feels – for me – like a woodland path where I can wander and observe, where I’m cool and the whisper of wind soothes my spirit.  For you, that place might feel like you’re walking the place of your novel or sliding back into that day when you were 8. Each of these places speaks to us, shelters us, keeps us secreted while we get our words down.

But if you’re like me, it can be really hard to reach that place.  It usually takes some time to get there – a sort of clearing of the mind – and it takes a level of concentration that is hard to achieve with 25 tabs open on our laptops and phone calls and children knocking and that ever-present list of things.

I don’t always drop down into my forest; sometimes, I have to make do with imagining the forest from afar. But when I find it, oh, I write with a smoothness that reminds me of why I love this work, and when I’m done, I feel like I’ve just spent the day by the lake with a glass of sweet tea – all fluid and calm.

I’ve found that a little ritual – lighting a candle, reading a poem, etc. – helps set my spirit in the right place, but it takes even more than that for me to really fall into the words. Here’s what I do to help myself give into the words and find the glowing quiet place:

More and more, I find that taking the time to follow this process is well worth the minutes.  When I let myself settle in, I’m rewarded with understanding I did not find just by thinking, and the refreshment of good work makes all the other things after seem easier.


When I listened to the question my friend asked and let it sink into my heart, I was absolutely and completely surprised at what I heard.  I’m not ready to share it yet – I’m still treasuring it close right now – but the answer took me to a place where I felt my spirit tingle.  I’m so excited now.

Sometimes, it’s really easy to get wrapped up in the day of doing, to think only of the project that sits most heavy in our minds. But my writing life has taught me that the real stuff doesn’t happen in our heads, but in our hearts . . . and it takes some time to let our hearts speak.

So I ask you, if you could write whatever you wanted – time and money aside – what would you write?  I’d love to hear your answers, and if you try this process, I’d be thrilled to hear how it goes.

We have 9 spaces left for the Writers’ Retreat in late July.  We’d love to have you join us for a relaxing, restful, word-filled weekend. Get more information and register here – http://andilit.com/writers-retreat-at-gods-whisper-farm/.

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