I trust Mike Loomis, and that’s saying something because I’m pretty skeptical about business writers in general. So you’ll want to read his words here and pick up his book.  I’ve read it; it’s helpful. 

1.Tell us about your book.

Test A Book Idea: An Interview with Mike LoomisMy book is titled, Your Brand Is Calling – Build a Personal Brand to Reflect and Connect. It’s based on the work I’ve been doing with clients for twenty years. Establishing and curating a brand feels icky to many people, especially new authors.

My approach defines a personal brand as simply the public expression of your calling. When people hear that definition, they breathe a sigh of relief, and then the work can begin!

The book helps someone develop their own personalized framework for their brand: web, social, tagline, pitch, photography, and more. It also includes special content for writers.

2. What do you do when you’re not writing?

My wife and I are blessed to live in our dream location—the mountains of Colorado! Every day we get out side to run, ski, bike, hike, or fish. One of the perks is to host clients here as well!

3. What made you believe you could write a book? How did you dispel doubt as you wrote?

Last year I tried an experiment. I wrote a “test” book about branding and offered it at a conference where I was speaking. Scary, right? But the response was amazing. I sold out of books, and sales doubled over the next two months. (By the way, I didn’t even have the book available on my web site or Amazon. All the post-conference sales were from referrals!)

Besides being a pretty cool way to test an idea, the feedback gave me confidence that this process would work for others – in book format.

Takeaway: Test a book idea a little before you invest a lot!

4. Which is more difficult – drafting or revising? Why?

For me, revising and finalizing are the most difficult. I’m really not a detail person, and I’m not a grammar expert. The same is true with my ghostwriting projects.

5. What is your favorite part about being a writer?

Books have changed my life. Sometimes I can’t believe I get to write, and help others write books that help others!

In addition to that, the freedom I have with my schedule is wonderful—especially since it gives me the opportunity to get outside.

6. What is your least favorite part about being a writer?

Grammar, proofreading, and book formatting!

7. When you write, who do you imagine as your reader?

I imagine an aspiring author, a struggling nonprofit, or a dreaming entrepreneur who has some great ideas and a great story. Often, these people can’t afford a consultant/coach, but they need to build a solid brand and avoid the traps that will hinder their reach. I want to help them grow with encouragement and brutal honesty.

8. What are a few of your favorite books of all time?

The Dip by Seth Godin (and anything from him).

Wild at Heart by John Eldredge (who later became a branding client)

The Secret Garden (I hadn’t read a fiction book in twenty years and read this last month. I cried and laughed in every chapter. Yeah, I need to read more.)

9. How did you learn to write?

I sort of backed into writing. I started in product development, which included multimedia resources, often based on bestselling books. Then, I began marketing these kits. I believe that writing marketing copy is one of the best ways to grow as a writer.

Eventually, I was given the opportunity to write curricula and books for publishers. But not only that—I was in charge of marketing them. From this experience, I had a unique perspective of how to develop a book that sold in the market!

10. What’s the best writing advice you ever received?

Respect grammar, but be in awe of the power of words.

Author Mike Loomis11. What’s your philosophy and practice about reading reviews of your work?

I make it a habit to obsess way too much about feedback. 😉


Mike Loomis helps people launch their dream projects and books. Since starting and selling two businesses, hes a strategic partner to entrepreneurs, publishers, authors, and non-profits. He and his wife live in the mountains of Colorado with their pet moose.