The interview I had scheduled for this week didn’t pan out, so instead, I want to suggest you check out this interview that Joanna Penn of The Creative Penn did with Michaelbrent Collings. As I drove yesterday, I found myself wanting to stop over and over again and write down things Michaelbrent – I’ll pretend like I know him and call him by his first name – was saying. Things about when to stop researching and begin writing, things about how writing is not the same as typing, things about how writer’s block is not a lack of words but a lack of CONFIDENT in the words we have.
So I hope you’ll take a listen to the podcast version of the interview on Joanna’s blog (yep, pretending like I know her, too. She has tweeted to me a couple of times, after all.) Or watch the video of the interview below.
Then, drop me a note as a comment below and let me know what stuck out to you. I’d really love to hear.
By the way, I’m trying out a few new things these days:
- I’m now Periscoping a couple of times a week and sharing some thoughts about writing and writing practice. Check me out at @andilit.
- I’m also busting out with Snapchat Stories. . . did my first one just this morning about Sarah Bessey’s Jesus Feminist. So if you’re a Snapchatter, come on over and take a look. I’m “andicumbofloyd” over there.
- I’m also headed to the Festival of Faith and Writing next week, where I’ll be on a panel about indie publishing. So I’ll be live-tweeting, Snapchatting, and Periscoping from there, mostly when I need to get a few minutes alone because of all the AWESOME people who will be there. (Introverts unite!)
- Finally, I’m also a brand new website next week. It’s called Our Folks’ Tales, and it’s all about African American history and genealogy. You can get a sneak peak at this link.