5 Ways to Support the Writers You Love This Weekend

Then, on Friday, we move into the biggest shopping weekend of the year with Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. It’s a big deal for everyone who makes money selling things, including writers. So this weekend, as you consider your shopping options, think about the writers you know and see how you might be able to support them with your purchases.
Here are five options for how you can do that:
- Buy their books. A lot of writers have discounts on their books this weekend, so you’ll be helping them – with a little cash and with sales’ rankings – and saving some of your own money, too. You can shop from their websites – which will mean they probably get more of the purchase price in their pockets, OR you can shop from online retailers – Kobo, iBooks, Amazon, etc. – which will mean that your friends’ sales rankings improve. It’s a win no matter how you buy.
- Recommend their books. If you know about a book that a friend will love or that will be perfect for his granddaughter, if you think your local library should have a copy of that title or expect it would sell well in your local bookstore, be sure to share the book with those folks. Tell them why you love it, too. A personal recommendation is always the best.
- Subscribe to their newsletters. A lot of writers these days have newsletters or send regular updates about their work, and many times, when you sign up, you’ll get a free gift in exchange. These mailing lists help writers build a loyal group of fans, AND when they go to publish, the number of subscribers help agents and publishers understand how much of an established readership they already have.
- Share their books on social media. While a personalized and direct recommendation is best, sharing a book on social media can also be a great sign of support. Post a link to the book and then tell your friends why you recommend it in a sentence or two. It’ll take one minute, and it’ll help with sales and also show your writer friend that you appreciate what they do.
- Write your writer friend to say thanks. Never underestimate the way a kind word about their work can brighten a writer’s day. A little email or note on FB. A public acknowledgment on Twitter. A handwritten note on your holiday card. Those things go a long way.
It doesn’t have to cost you a lot in time or money to show appreciation and support to your loved ones who write, but I assure you every bit helps in both the business and the hearts of those wordsmiths.
Happy Thanksgiving, All!