What I Hope to See at the AWP Conference for Writers This Year

What I Hope for the AWP Conference of Writers This Year

This image is from the conference a couple years ago. That’s Cheryl Strayed speaking. If you look hard, you can see Philip and I on the right-hand-side about halfway back.

Tomorrow, I will load up Trapper, the Subaru, and head to DC for the annual Associated Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) conference. This is probably my 15th or 16th AWP, and every time I go, I am equal parts excited and overwhelmed.  But I keep going back because here, I connect with writers I know, learn about new writers whose work I want to read, and spend a few days surrounded by folks who do what I do.  It’s a rare treat.

I don’t know exactly what I’ll be doing for the next few days there. The schedule is so overwhelming that I’m only just through the first four sets of sessions, and my chest is hurting.  I plan to attend lots of sessions and probably go to the big readings on Thursday and Friday nights.  But beyond that, a lot of what I’ll do will be decided in the moment.

However, I do know a few things:

Here is what I’m hoping to see at AWP that I haven’t seen before.

More than anything, I want AWP to reflect the vastness and richness that I love in the writing community, so this week, I’ll be walking around with eyes wide open to witness what I hope I will find.

If you’re going to AWP this year, please leave a comment below, and I’ll email you my cell #. I’d love to give you a hug as we pass in the book fair or grab a coffee if we can.  

And if you want to join us next year, we’ll be in Tampa, FL from March 7-10.  Florida in March!! Yes!!


By the way, I’ll be speaking at the conference this year alongside of the amazing Jane Friedman, Stuart Horwitz, Gabriela Pereira, and Julie Duffy.  Come see us at Noon on Friday. Here’s all the details. 


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