9 Women Who Help Writers: In Honor of International Women’s Day
- Joan Dempsey is your go-to gal for all things revision and self-editing. She teaches courses on revision, does editing for clients, and it an all-around kind, strong guide in this work.
- Chloe Yelena Miller is the woman on the scene for great coaching, particularly in poetry, all around the world and for memoir workshops in the Washington, D.C. area. Chloe is a gentle but clear teacher, and her wisdom about your project will be invaluable.
- Tamara Woods leads an AMAZING Twitter conversation each Tuesday evening at 9pm EST. Her #writestuff chats give writers a chance to connect, to share tips, to lament, and to learn.
- Jane Friedman gives the most up-to-date insights and perspective on publishing and marketing. Her free resources on everything from query letters to finding an agent to self-publishing is always spot-on and clear.
- Gabriela Pereira of DIY MFA provides deep, rich information about improving your writing craft and building your writing business. In particular, her podcast is full of great interviews, good insights, and rich encouragement for your writing life.
- Kelly Chripczuk is a spiritual director and a wise writer, who provides great guidance for slowing down and really seeing in our world. She also offers retreats for writers, including one that I’m leading next weekend at her farmhouse in Boiling Springs, PA. (COME JOIN US?)
- Julie Duffy runs these amazing writing challenges for short story writers over at StoryADay.org. If you’re looking for writing prompts, challenges like NaNoWriMo, and lots of great wisdom on fiction, you’ll want to check her work out.
- Shayla Eaton over at Curiouser Editing gives such great advice about everything from editing to marketing your book. She’s the person I turn to when I need ethical, wise perspective on how to help my books reach more people.
- Kirsten Oliphant of Create If Writing is the woman whose advice I most trust about when it comes to building a readership, expanding my mailing list, and doing so with good ethics and heart. If you’re looking for tips on how to build a list, check out her Foundation Series.
This list could be much longer, but these 9 women provide the resources, support, information, and encouragement that I most need as a writer, and so I hope you will check them out, subscribe to their lists, take their courses (which are all reasonably-priced and so helpful), and buy their books.
Writing can be a hard business for women because we still live in a world where being a woman is considered a lesser way of being, so be sure to support the women in your life who do this work. It’s one way we can bring about more equality, and equality is better for ALL of us.
Next week, I’m part of an amazing online summit for writers, and you are invited to take part for FREE. The 5-Figure Author Challenge includes 5 days of great interviews with writers who will guide you in writing your book, publishing it, and selling it.
To get more information and register, visit this link – http://authorremake.com/challenge/?ref=6.
Plus, everyone who signs up gets a BONUS from me – a free copy of “4 Fears Every Writers Needs to Tame.”
I’m an affiliate for this program, so while the sessions are FREE for 24-hours, if you buy anything – like the wonderful All-Access pass that gives you lifetime access to the videos – I get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Those commissions help me be able to keep this blog going strong, so thanks.