Sticker Books, Connection, and the Meeting of Writers

Sticker Books, Connection, and the Meeting of WritersShe lies on the top of my flowered comforter, a book spread in front of her and her strawberry-blonde hair a frame around her joyful face. I lie beside her, my feet bouncing in the air, as I study my pages.  It’s sticker book time, and Kim and I are enrapt with the options.

A bit earlier, Mom had taken us up over the mountain to the best sticker store around. (Actually, now, I imagine it wasn’t a store entirely for stickers, but then, they could have sold live tigers, and I probably wouldn’t have noticed.) Now, we had so many shiny, fuzzy, cute, and even smelly stickers to place in our albums.  It was a delight. . . a simple delight that I would love to recover now in these years of so much stimulation.

I cannot tell you how Kim and I became friends except that we were in the same classes in elementary school together. (I can prove it with those school photos from the 1980s. The hair and the high-waisted pants – good glory!)  I can’t tell you how we came to know that we both loved stickers or even if all the girls in our grade at that moment in our culture were into stickers. I can only tell you what it felt like to sidle up beside her and show her my new treasure.

It felt like safety and understanding and all the best parts of friendship.

Be Brave. Be Vulnerable.

Just like I can’t explain exactly how Kim and I became friends, I can’t really give you the story of how I came to be connected richly and deeply with the writers I call friends. I do know, though, that somewhere along the way we sidled up beside each other and said something like, “Hey, I write, too. What are you writing?” Sometimes it’s as easy as that.

I can tell you, though, that having writer friends is the single most important factor in keeping me going on this writing path. 

So here are a two things I’ve learned about connecting with other writers:

If it helps, think about your early childhood and how you made your first friends. Maybe there was a playground involved or maybe a particular toy or special stick that made the perfect teaching baton. Maybe a game of tag introduced you. Most very young children are fearless when it comes to making friends. They wander up to someone and say, “Want to play?” and off they go, buddies to the end.

When you reach out to a writer, you’re just saying, “Want to play with words with me?” You can do it.

How to Reach Out

Here’s then, the part that I find tricky. I work from home, and because we run a farm, I don’t leave home that often. So my chances to meet writer in person are kind of limited.  So here’s what I do:

Then, on the flipside, I try to connect other writers I know. I’ve so appreciated those introductions that friends of mine have made, and I want to extend that kindness to other writers. So I regularly send emails or FB messages introducing two people to one another. Nothing fancy. Nothing formal. Just a “Hey, I thought you two should know each other.”

My Sticker Book Today

So I still have my sticker book. It’s tucked into the trunk that holds all my mementos. From time to time, I take it out and marvel at how much I just adored those cheap pieces of sticky paper.  It’s amazing how much joy something so kitschy gave me. (Let’s not talk about my plastic charm necklace, okay?)

I treasure that sticker book, but more, I treasure the fact that Kim and I are still friends (via Facebook these days) more than 30 years later. I don’t think she collects stickers anymore, but you know what, she’s a writer. . . maybe even back then, we knew that tied us together as sure as a fuzzy, teddy bear sticker.

How have you gotten to know the writers that you call friends? Any tips to share? 


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