The Long View on a Writer’s Work

The Long View on a Writer's WorkThere are advantages and disadvantages to living a very long time, as I have. One of the advantages is that you can’t help having a long view. You’ve seen it come and seen it go. Something that’s being announced as the absolute only way to write, you recognize as a fashion, a fad, trendy– the way to write right now if you want to sell right now to a right now editor. But there’s also the long run to consider. Nothing’s deader than last year’s trend. My book aims for the long run, rather than short-term instant salability. — Ursula K. Le Guin in an interview in The Writer’s Chronicle

I read this quote from the brilliant Le Guin a few days ago, and I’ve been carrying it with me and turning it around to study it ever since.  I find a great deal of freedom in what she says here, a lifting of the burden of “faster, faster” that is a part of this moment (every moment?) in the writing world.

A Shifting in my Mindset

Last week, I decided to spend some time writing for myself, to put off the publication of my next book for a while (although Love Letters to Writers is still coming), to let my heart and mind slow down about my career just a bit. Le Guin’s words gave me a great deal of peace because, well, I am looking at the long run here. I want to write books that matter now but also later. I want them to have longevity. I want works that are perseverant, not just passive income.

That said, many of us need to sell books to make a living, and I don’t discount that at all. It’s just not the model I can work in at this moment, and I have the great gift of having a living from editing and coaching . . . believe me, that is a huge gift of freedom for me just now.

What’s Your Mindset?

I don’t know why you write books: to make a financial living, to make change in the world, to unleash a story that has been bound up inside you.  All of those reasons for writing – and the endless list of other motivations – are valid and important, and I do not judge them at all.  I simply encourage you to ask yourself a few questions:

Your answers to these questions will clarify whether you are writing for now or for the long-view or for both.  Again, I see no value in elevating one or the other of these perspectives on writing. But rather, I think there is freedom in knowing our motivations, our goals, and our dreams for our words. . . and there is freedom in knowing that our motivations, our goals, and our dreams can change.

Oh the ability to change our minds – it’s a beautiful thing.

If you’d like, comment below and let me know what you discover when you answer these questions. I’d love to hear a bit about your writing soul. 

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