Last night on Twitter, I saw this tweet and thought, “Yes, yes, it has.”
here’s something to do before the end of the year: if a writer wrote something this year that meant something to you (a book, an article, a poem, even a tweet), send them a note. tell them. this has been a hard year in which to make things.
— rachel syme (@rachsyme) December 12, 2017
So today, friends, may I just suggest we do as Rachel recommends and send a note – via email or Twitter, on that old-fashioned stuff called paper – to say a word of thanks for the writers in our midst. I know I need each of those notes, and when I need something, other people usually do too.
If you’d like to join in, post a comment to that effect below, and let’s spread the love in these final weeks of 2017.
And THANK YOU for all the ways you support me. I’m so grateful.