My Process for Launching and Marketing my Books

This week, I received an email from a beautiful woman asking me if I’d talk a bit about how to launch and market a book, and because I try to provide what is useful to the folks who give me a bit of their time, I’m writing that post today.  I do need to begin by saying that marketing is not my focus professionally – although I do it for myself of course. A lot of other people have a lot more wisdom about how to sell books than I do, so if you’d like to read more deeply on that subject, I recommend:

I listen to the podcasts that every one of these folks do every week, and I learn so much in those few hours (usually in the car).  Definitely check them out.


My launch strategy has gotten pared way down lately because I’m trying to write more quickly and publish more often. But basically, I do four things:


As you can see, a lot of my marketing is linked to the launch, and hopefully, my launch teams on Facebook (I have two: one for my fantasy/magical realism books and one for my forthcoming cozy mystery series) intrinsic retailer promotions including special promos I participate in my submitting my book at a special price, and newsletter keep books moving. But I know from experience that these things are not enough, so here are the four other things I do.

I could do a lot more things – get on podcasts to talk about my books, take out more ads (which I plan to do on FB as soon as I have time to refresh my knowledge of that ad platform), seek out print and online interviews about my books, etc.  But right now, these are the things that give me the biggest bang for my buck and that fit into my available time.

Two Major Considerations for Every Writer

Two things, in my opinion, are key as you think about launching and marketing:

One other word of wisdom – there is a TON of advice out there about these things. Be wise who you listen to and keep your available time and budget in mind.  You don’t want to go whole hog at this stuff out of the gate because it will drain you – energetically and financially. Take small steps. Plan for the long game. You don’t have to do it all now, and it would probably be wisest not to do it all now.

I so hope that’s helpful, but please, post comments and questions below, and I”ll do my best to answer them or point you to someone who can. 


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