Just now, the grackles have just descended around my house, and while for many, these massive flocks of birds are nuisances, they have been the best gift of this season for me. I am mesmerized by their flight patterns – the way they all know to take off at once, and the swoosh of their wings as they turn in the air. (If you’ve never seen them fly, this video will give you a sense of the process.) I have taken to sitting and watching them as they blacken all the trees and fields around me. I find a sense of calm and rest in all their frenzy. They truly are my best gift this year.

So in honor of the grackles and the gifts they are to me this season, I wanted to give you guys a gift. For the next 10 days, I’m hosting a contest for you guys to write about the best gift you have ever received.

Here are the rules:
1. What you write has to work as a miniature essay – beginning, middle, end. (For models of great short essays, check out Brevity Magazine.)
2. The piece cannot be more than 75 words long.
3. It must be posted in the comments section of this blog.
4. The contest closes at midnight on December 23rd.
I will read all entries and choose the three best essays.

Here are the prizes:

First Prize – A $25 gift certificate to a local bookstore in the winner’s area, plus a feature of that story on this blog on Christmas Day. I’ll include links to three websites you choose (yours, a friend’s, one you just love to read – whatever), and I’ll promote your post widely.

Second Prize – A $10 gift certificate to a local bookstore in the winner’s area, plus a link to your blog or a website of your choice on Christmas Day.

Third Prize – A link to your blog or a website of your choice on Christmas Day.

There we have it, my Holiday Blog Giveaway. I can’t wait to read your pieces. Please, tell folks about the contest. I’d love to read scores of essays over the next week.

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?

Thank you to everyone who has supported the Kickstarter campaign for my book. I am so blessed by your gifts. I have six days to raise $5,139. If you could bless me again by sharing the campaign or even giving yourself, I would be blown over with gratitude – http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1596635732/you-will-not-be-forgotten. Thank you.

    I write one blog post a week and one-two newsletters a month about all things writing. Craft tips, marketing advice, laments about how much more fun it is to nap.
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