by Andi | Feb 15, 2017 | Written and Wrought
I really wanted to title this post, “5 Ways I Build My Reading Audience Without Making Numbers the Point,” but that was long and clunky and not that SEO-friendly. Hence, the shorter version. Still, though, I want to make this point clearly – I am... by Andi | Feb 8, 2017 | Written and Wrought
Tomorrow, I will load up Trapper, the Subaru, and head to DC for the annual Associated Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) conference. This is probably my 15th or 16th AWP, and every time I go, I am equal parts excited and overwhelmed. But I keep going back because... by Andi | Feb 1, 2017 | Book Recommendations, Written and Wrought
I am a cryer. Make of that what you will, but my tears are my physical indicator that I am feeling intense emotion – sadness, yes, but also joy or anger. When I cry, I have been affected profoundly by something, so I have come to think of tears about my writing... by Andi | Jan 28, 2017 | Book Recommendations, Written and Wrought
So first, a confession. I study the history and legacy of slavery. That is my life’s work. So when I say that Colson Whitehead has done such a masterful job of creating a literal railroad as The Underground Railroad that I had to double-check and be sure I... by Andi | Jan 25, 2017 | Written and Wrought
Sometimes, I think that “Show. Don’t tell.” adage is something writers and writing teachers throw around to seem knowledgable in front of folks who are just starting in the writing world. It can really easily be a way of shutting people down or...