Happiest of Holidays to You!

It’s Christmas Eve morning here on the farm, and as usual – and as I love it – everyone but me is asleep.  Well, me and the rooster.  Xander seems to think it is his responsibility to sing the tidings of the morning each day, and I suppose it is his...

Remember Your Silent Readers

Yesterday, I was on my way to the post office when I saw a car parked at the end of our lane by our farm stand.  The driver’s side door was open, and I could see someone sitting there.  I pulled up and rolled down my window, and the woman said, “I needed...

My Word for 2017

This year’s word was gentleness. I wanted to cultivate a gentleness toward others in 2016, a way of being and speaking that wasn’t pointed or aggressive but instead spoke and moved with softness.  In the end, it was me who needed that word the most, who...