by Andi | Mar 19, 2016 | Book Recommendations, Written and Wrought
M.L. Gardner is one of those writers who is generous to the core, providing guidance and community to thousands of us independently-published folks through her work. Today, I’m thrilled to have her talking about her books, her writing practice, and why she... by Andi | Mar 16, 2016 | Written and Wrought
I have been awake for two and a half hours now. It’s 8:06am, and 156 minutes have passed when I’m conscious. If I’m not careful, I can let myself think I have done nothing. But as I wrote for Modern Creative Life yesterday, mornings are busy times... by Andi | Mar 12, 2016 | Book Recommendations, Written and Wrought
As soon as I heard about Ginger Otis’s book Firefight, I knew I would have to read it. . . . this is one of those stories of systemic racism that has gone largely unnoticed, and it’s important that we hear it. Plus, Ginger is pretty rockin’ so . . .... by Andi | Mar 9, 2016 | Written and Wrought
You can measure your worth by your dedication to your path, not by your successes or failures. – Elizabeth Gilbert in Big Magic In a box in my potting shed that was once the smoke house, I have tangles that look like the hair on a doll who was left in a mud... by Andi | Mar 5, 2016 | Book Recommendations, Written and Wrought
Melissa Burch is a woman about adventure, and I think you’ll see that in her interview here. Be sure to answer her question, would you, in #10. What’s your philosophy about reading reviews of your work? I can’t wait to hear your thoughts about...