by Andi | Jul 5, 2015 | animals, chickens, God's Whisper
Nothing like dodging a clumsy chicken to start your morning off right. I woke a bit later than usual (5:30 am, if you’re wondering) and wandered blearily out to the chicken coop. Now, if you’re new to chickens, you may not realize that they wake and sleep... by Andi | Jul 2, 2015 | Uncategorized, Written and Wrought
Just 15 minutes ago, I drove up to the farm stand and parked with the car facing the hayfield. In front of me, a tiny stalk of cornflowers was growing. Their blue-gray beauty sang to me. “Look here, Andi. Look here.” My first response was to just jump... by Andi | Jun 28, 2015 | God's Whisper, Written and Wrought
I was raised by two people who – by nature or active choice, I’ve never been sure – do not tend toward giving advice. They shared wisdom. They told stories. They gave my brother and I unconditional support, and they listened to us powerfully all the... by Andi | Jun 25, 2015 | Written and Wrought
A few weeks ago, a dear friend asked me this question: Money is no issue…what are you writing? How much time do you spend writing it? The question – asked by a writer I trust and a friend of years – took my breath right from my throat. It doesn’t... by Andi | Jun 23, 2015 | Written and Wrought
I slept in this morning. 5:30am. It was glorious. The sky was light, so chores were easier. The air was still cool-ish (with about 80% humidity.) And I was a bit more rested. Still, on the farm, as the morning person, the chores fall to me. So I fed both sets of...