A Life of Moments

For Hilda One kernel is felt in a hogshead; one drop of water helps to swell the ocean; a spark of fire helps to give light to the world.  – Hannah More In front of the farmhouse, the forsythia has just begun to push out her yellow bows.  The roads here are...

Writing Advice – Hold It All Loosely

In 5th grade, Mrs. Painter taught us how to write in cursive.*  She was a kind-hearted woman but strident in the need to follow rules.  Thus, our cursive had to be perfect – the right height for the loop up into the capital P, the whirl at the end of the capital...

5 Ways The Flu Makes Me Grateful

Philip and I have both been laid low by the flu.  He’s on day 7, and I’m on day 3.  We’re relatively healthy and still this illness has kicked our tails.  Yesterday, I watched or dozed through a total of 11 episodes of Law and Order:SVU.  While I...