by Andi | Dec 22, 2020 | Andi's Book, Written and Wrought
Here we are, in the darkest week of the longest year in our lifetimes. Christmas is on its way. Hanukkah has shown her lights. Kwanzaa will brighten the days of the rest of the month. . . and then, we will reach 2021, the year on which we have rested multitudes of...
by Andi | Feb 5, 2020 | Andi's Book, Written and Wrought
One of my goals as a writer is to be as transparent as possible about the financial side of things. So often we only see the numbers that look good – bestseller’s rankings or the net worth of our most famous and financially successful writers. But those...
by Andi | Jan 8, 2020 | Andi's Book, Book Recommendations
Happy New Year, Friends. As I write, the Blue Ridge is being covered in an amazing January snow – all fluffy and so dense that it’s quieting the whole world. So I’m thinking about this new year, about what I’m doing less of and what I’d...
by Andi | Oct 30, 2019 | Andi's Book, Written and Wrought
For the past few weeks, I have been editing and compiling. I haven’t been doing much writing. I can feel it. Everything I am doing feels harder, takes more effort and will, is less bright and compelling. It’s a subtle thing, this effect that not writing...
by Andi | Oct 16, 2019 | Andi's Book, Book Recommendations, Written and Wrought
Friends, Nicole Gulotta is one of my favorite writers on writing. Her Wild Words Podcast is a new must-listen in my feed, and I read her weekly newsletter without fail. Today, she’s sharing some of her great wisdom with us and helping those of us – me...