by Andi | Feb 24, 2016 | Andi's Book, Book Recommendations, chickens, God's Whisper, Meander, Written and Wrought
Hope is for the dark days. The days when all you can see is mud and mess, like so many forgotten toys strewn across the backyard. Those are the days when miracles begin. – Christie Purifoy in Roots and Sky The farmyard is sticky and squishy and all the things... by Andi | Feb 17, 2016 | Andi's Book, Written and Wrought
One thing I’ve learned in this literary life is that transparency and support are crucial to longevity in this work, and so today, I’m sharing a little sadness in my writing life because I hope – really hope – it’s helpful to some folks... by Andi | Feb 6, 2016 | Andi's Book, Written and Wrought
I knew it as soon as I saw the place. I could see it tucked into the beautiful shadows and lingering behind the gravestones. This place had stories. I was set-up to see it that day, prepped by my father-in-law and his memories that were scattered all around these... by Andi | Jan 27, 2016 | Andi's Book, Written and Wrought
Last night was one of those up at 3:30 to ponder something that’s not that awful but seems it at that hour. You have those times, right? And that first discomfort rolled into another and then – go figure – all the wingeing anxiety centered itself...
by Andi | Jan 21, 2016 | Andi's Book, Written and Wrought
I’m reading Tim Grahl’s new book, Book Launch Blueprint, and something he wrote really resonated with me: A book launch is the best time to ask your fans to get involved and help. And here’s the thing . . . they want to! They’ll do it gladly, and be...