“The Fixer” Mindset

The other night as I was watching Leverage, it occurred to me that I could have a role in organized crime – I could be “The Fixer,” the person who finds other people to “fix” problems. I really like playing that role in life where I can...

"The Fixer" Mindset

The other night as I was watching Leverage, it occurred to me that I could have a role in organized crime – I could be “The Fixer,” the person who finds other people to “fix” problems. I really like playing that role in life where I can...

Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

There is much to be afraid of in this world. Tainted meat, rageful drivers, bad health, relationship failures. Anything that causes us pain is something we can fear. And many of us – myself included at times – travel our days motivated by fear. What can we...