by Andi | Aug 3, 2010 | Andi's Book
This morning, I was reading a section of John Eldredge’s book Desire, and he was talking about the way people – particularly the church – have killed desire and replaced it with duty. Instead of pursuing dreams and joy and the glorious grace of life... by Andi | Jul 28, 2010 | Andi's Book, Book Recommendations
My favorite moments in books are when the seemingly impossible happens. When Aslan comes back in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, when Frodo makes it to the heart of Mordor, when Owen Meany finds the reason he is so small in size . . . these moments are the most... by Andi | Jul 27, 2010 | Andi's Book, Uncategorized, Written and Wrought
Last night, I did the Wii strength training regimen. Now before all you serious workout folks giggle and snicker at my obvious lack of knowledge and skill in weight-training, let me seek your sympathy by saying, I’m sore. Already. Just over 12 hours later. I... by Andi | Jul 22, 2010 | Andi's Book, Teaching Triumphs and Travails, Written and Wrought
Yesterday, Dave and I listened to his pastor’s sermon from this past Sunday. It is part of Rusty’s sermon series called “Discovering God’s Will for my Life.”Both of thought this was a particularly important sermon for us to hear given... by Andi | Jul 21, 2010 | Andi's Book, Teaching Triumphs and Travails, Written and Wrought
This morning I took a longer walk than I expected. Because I am my father’s daughter, I have a hereditary penchant for “short cuts” that are not really shorter, so as I strolled through Dave’s neighborhood, I decided that if I took a left I...