When Opportunity Doesn’t Knock

I expect many of you can relate. We’ve been on the job market; we’ve been diligently applying for jobs, talking to people we know, posting our resumes around the web. Yet, here we still sit with no job in hand. It feels like it’s never going to...

When Opportunity Doesn't Knock

I expect many of you can relate. We’ve been on the job market; we’ve been diligently applying for jobs, talking to people we know, posting our resumes around the web. Yet, here we still sit with no job in hand. It feels like it’s never going to...

Unfolding Like An Artichoke

This morning, I started reading Laraine Herring’s book The Writing Warrior: Discovering the Courage to Free Your True Voice, and she says this: When you let go of what is no longer necessary, the authentic essence of yourself and your writing bubbles up. This is...