by Andi | Mar 13, 2019 | Andi's Book, Written and Wrought
Welcome to the third week of my facts and figures for the launch of my new book, Silence at the Lock. (You can read the first post – about the costs for producing and marketing the book here, the second post about the first round of ROI on the paid promos I did...
by Andi | Mar 6, 2019 | Andi's Book
Last week, I shared the facts and figures of my book launch, thus far, and so many people said they were grateful to have details, I thought I’d do a series of updates about those fact and figures through March and into early April when Silence at the Lock comes...
by Andi | Feb 27, 2019 | Andi's Book, Written and Wrought
Last week, the wonderful Anya Cosgrove shared the process she used to launch her first indie-published book, and a couple of people wanted to know more about her ROI in terms of dollar figures. I don’t ask people financial information because many people...
by Andi | Oct 24, 2018 | Andi's Book, Written and Wrought
On the wall above our mantel, we’ve hung a wedding sampler I cross-stitched for us. It was meant to be a wedding present from me to Philip, but I finished more than four years after we married. I finished, though, and now, every day I look at the goldenrod and... by Andi | Jul 18, 2018 | Andi's Book, Written and Wrought
Platform – it’s a word that most writers I know detest. It makes us think of unachievable numbers on social media that will keep us from writing itself. Guh! The Groups to Which We are Connected But at our writers’ retreat here a few weeks ago,...