Working the Knots Out

Yesterday, I was blessed to get a massage. Someone very loving gave me a gift certificate, and I used it for . . . 90 minutes of glory. This woman worked the knots in my back, and today, I feel like I’ve just had an amazing workout, except I didn’t do any...

A Tribute to Andy Goldsworthy

Sometimes, words don’t work. Sometimes, only images or three-dimensional shapes really express the fullness of life at that moment. For me, one of the most amazing artists working today is Andy Goldsworthy – Yorkshire Sculpture Park – Brough, Cambria...

Play Inside Yourself

“The team isn’t really playing inside themselves,” the announcer said about the Duke – Univ of AL-Birmingham game tonight. UAB was trying to move too fast, trying to play Duke’s game, and they were losing . . . badly. If they slowed down,...