by Andi | Dec 30, 2010 | Andi's Book
For the last two days, I have been working to get myself settled. Dad, Brother and I moved my stuff down to the farm. Most of it will be stored in the 200 year old barn, and I will spend some time this year cutting down my belongings so that when it comes time to move... by Andi | Dec 27, 2010 | Andi's Book
Tonight, Dad started sorting through photos, and he sat down with Brother, Mina and I and reviewed the images of the houses he and Mom lived in, pictures of Brother’s first haircut, images of me with the forced smile I still adopt for photographs. We saw big... by Andi | Dec 26, 2010 | Andi's Book
“A wise woman builds her home.” That’s the beginning of Proverbs 14, and when I read it, I took one of those little short breathes we take in surprise. You see, I have been praying for wisdom a lot lately. And here was a clear direction on how to... by Andi | Dec 25, 2010 | Andi's Book
Often, I see people out alone on Christmas or other holidays and I feel sad for them. No one should have to be alone on these days. Yet, today, all I have wanted to be is alone, or at least for it not to really be Christmas. Now, I understand why people would be out... by Andi | Dec 24, 2010 | Andi's Book
Christmas Eve. The boys are sleeping. I am drifting toward there myself. I spent a lot of today disappointed in what Christmas Eve meant today. Then, as often happens, Dad, Brother, and I headed out to dinner and stopped by a neighbor’s house to load his outdoor...