When They Come

Sunday morning sunshine feels different than any other light.  It’s more robust, more golden, more open, somehow.  And right now, the farm is fairly glowing with it. If I’d ever been to Ireland and stood overlooking a range of hills in the early morning,...

Happy Easter!

Today is a holy day for me. A day when I remember that I am loved utterly and completely for all of who I am, when I remember that every other single person is loved utterly and completely for all of who you are on this beautiful, spinning globe.  I am reminded of the...

The Chronicles of a Worried “Mama”

It’s cold here today. Really cold, and last night it was in the 20s. In anticipation of last night’s hard freeze, Philip and I spent an hour lowering the heat lamps in the brooder, and he humored me as I convinced myself that putting thin pieces of...


Yesterday, 16 little ones arrived in a cardboard box.  Now, they and their guinea cousins are thriving in our pallet-made brooder inside the coop. Here’s just a little something for you to enjoy: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8urPK5FSJCM] We’re...

The Routine of Farming and Writing

I’m ready for winged and four-legged needs to tie me down.  For them to rope me into a rhythm that keeps them alive and breathes pattern into the chaos. Of words and travel and meetings. In just over a week, 6 guinea keets and 16 chicks will arrive here at God’s...