by Andi | Oct 5, 2014 | animals, Great Pyrenees, Meander
This morning, we had our first near frost, and the Great Pyr puppies were frisky – as if the cold dances in their blood. . . I completely understand. (Meander, however, is tucked under a blanket on the couch snoring.) In about an hour, dear friends will arrive... by Andi | Sep 7, 2014 | animals, Buildings, Great Pyrenees, Meander, Travel
Yesterday, we accepted an above-asking price offer on our current farm. To say I’m thrilled would be an understatement. And so would saying I’m a little stressed. We have to move all our belongings – which includes quite a bit of farm equipment... by Andi | Aug 31, 2014 | animals, chickens, Goats, Great Pyrenees, guineas, Meander
It’s been a busy few days around here – with prepping for our first showing yesterday and our home inspection on the new place. And this morning, we woke to find that the big sassafras behind the house had split off a huge limb that we must now chop up.... by Andi | Jul 13, 2014 | animals, Buildings, Great Pyrenees, Meander
This morning, a breeze that promises rain confirmed by upturned leaves is shooing away the humidity like beauty itself. From where I sit, I can see a hummingbird sitting on our clothesline, taking a gander at her land. I’m on our back porch, and I find myself... by Andi | Jul 10, 2014 | animals, Buildings, Great Pyrenees, Meander, Uncategorized
Sometimes I want to downplay what we’re doing here on the farm as “lesser,” to diminish our dreams and hard work because we aren’t moving hundreds of free range animals to new pasture each day or because we aren’t planting crops and...