What Teachers Make

In three hours, I will be sitting in an interview for an opportunity to teach English at a new school. After all these years, you’d think I would be jaded about teaching (and at moments, I am), but right now, I feel like gobbling up more of the latest teaching...

What Buying School Supplies Does To Me

Last week, Dave and I went to Target and filled a backpack with school supplies as part of a drive that his church is doing. Luckily, we had a list, or this kid would have gotten more pens, folders, Trapper Keepers, and fun post-its than he could have used. I have a...

I Hate Grading

Like most teachers, I would love almost every minute of my job if I didn’t have to grade. You might think I hate grading because it’s time consuming (and it is), or that I hate the responsibility of assigning a rather arbitrary system of letters to...