Reveling in the Now

It’s 64 degrees outside, and my hands smell like basil and thyme.  Honey wheat bread is in the bread machine and tomato sauce (again) on the stove. Days like this I can taste fall on the back of my tongue . . . and my spirit dances. I’m beginning to plan...

Quelling the Mutiny of the Bounty

Oh, the bounty . . . so much bounty, in fact, that it can feel bit like mutiny.  This week, I have harvested roma tomatoes and our first “big boy.”  I’ve culled a few cups of green beans and several heads of cabbage.  Plus, I made some squash muffins...

Four Day Weekend!

P has today and tomorrow off, and I’m, well, I’m going to squeeze my work around the day so that we can power through some stuff here on the farm. First up, mowing the field that is typically our yard.  This rain is a gift, but it does make the grass grow....

When Domestic is Divine

This morning, I put dinner in the crock pot so that P and I can have a delicious london broil a la pot roast for dinner when we get here for dinner. I compromised on the veggies – buying carrots, celery, and potato from the grocery but wishing I had some in my...

Why Paula Deen’s Words Matter

We were sitting on the long, glossy-topped, mahogany table eating dessert.  I was about 12.   “He beat up that n—–r. Normally, I don’t condone fighting in my boys, but in this case, the kid deserved it.” 12 year old me didn’t know...